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"Красноярский муниципальный округ Астраханской области"

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Dear ladies and gentlemen, 

With great hope for mutual interest, I invite you to long-term and mutually beneficial business cooperation within the territory of the municipal unit "Krasnoyarskiy District" of the Astrakhan region.

The municipal unit “Krasnoyarskiy District” consists of 51 populated localities, united into 8 local councils. The population of the district is 36641 people. The general square is 526 000 hectares.

The natural resource potential of our region, which is the basis for the economic development of the territory, consists of fuel and energy resources in the material sector (natural gas, gas condensate, sulfur of the Astrakhan gas condensate field).

The distribution of land by category is characterized by the predominance of agricultural lands (71.3%) and lands for industry, energy, transport (23%). The rest are lands of forest and water resources (2.9% and 1.8%, respectively), settlements (0.9%). Moreover, the volume of agricultural lands in the formed land plots requiring involvement in the sphere of economic activity, which can be provided to potential investors planning projects in the agricultural sector, is 1,500 hectares (of lands, state ownership of which is not delimited). We are ready to provide support and apply for the registration of agricultural lands, which belong to federal ownership.

The “Krasnoyarskiy District” is situated in the western part of the Astrakhan region in the Delta of the Volga River and due to this fact the area is saturated with water resources: the navigable rivers Buzan, Kigach, Shmagina, Krivoy Buzan, Akhtuba (the Volga river branch). It is an additional advantage for potential investors, who are interested in the implementation of tourism and recreation projects.

A part of the longest European route E40, connecting Europe, Central Asia, and the Republic of Kazakhstan, passes through the territory of the “Krasnoyarskiy District”. It allows us to consider proposals for the development of objects of modern roadside complexes, as well as logistics projects.

As a head of the district, within the established authority, I am the guarantor of the protection of the rights of investors on the territory of the municipal unit the “Krasnoyarskiy District”. So does our team of the district administration that can assure potential investors to create optimal conditions for successful business prompt resolution of issues, transparency of processes, open dialogue. We are interested in making your business efficient, stable and safe. Therefore, that is why we also interested in tax revenue coming to the local budget, so the district's economy could develop and the quality of life of its residents could improve. 

Best regards,
The head of the municipal unit “Krasnoyarskiy District”,
Ruslan Bisenov



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