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Официальный сайт муниципального образования
"Красноярский муниципальный округ Астраханской области"


Investors, attention!
(from the corresponding website section) 

In the administration of the municipal unit «Krasnoyarskiy district» there is the blue line channel "The Investor’s question". Any investor, planning to invest his capital at the territory of the district, and also realizing any capital investment project, for strategic solving of the questions, appearing during the investment activity, we propose the possibility to address to the leaders of the municipal district.

The district head: Nurgali Ismagulovitch Baytemirov

To ask question over the phone: mobile phone +79275698002, stational +7 (85146) 91-5-19

To phone over the Skype: the user is NBaitemirov

To send a message over the Internet-office: follow the section «Feedback» 

To send a message over E-mail: amokrasyar@astranet.ru

The head of the financial economical department: Yaksibaev Eduard Albertovitch

To ask question over the phone: mobile phone +79275545502, stational 8 (85146) 91-5-24

To phone over the Skype: the user is Eduard20122001 

To send a message over E-mail: yaksed@yandex.ru



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